Contraindications & FAQ

I acknowledge that Somatic Breathwork ™ is a deep and powerful process.

It involves rapid and prolonged breathing that is designed to activate intense emotional responses. I have notified the practitioners of any physical injuries, mental or psychological conditions I have. I engage in this experience willingly and take full responsibility for my own physical, mental and emotional experiences during and after the session.

Contraindications:Somatic Breathwork™ is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. It is not appropriate for pregnant women, for persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute infectious illness or epilepsy. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your physician(s). Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their physician(s).

Release:I have chosen to participate in Somatic Breathwork™. My choice has been voluntary and I may terminate my session at any time. I understand that there is no assurance that I will feel better and that emotions may be evoked that will be upsetting in nature. I understand the potential risks of participation and hereby agree to release and hold harmless Fish Fischer and the Somatic Breathwork™ brand from any and all legal responsibility or liability for outcomes experienced as a result of the Somatic Breathwork. I or my representative(s) agree to fully release and hold Sakina Manji and the brand of Somatic Breathwork™  harmless from and against any and all claims, liability, or damages – arising out of or in connection with my session(s).In attestation of good health I hereby confirm that I have read and understand the above information and attest that my general health is good to participate.

Let's Get Connected

Phone: (321) 295-6912‬

Phone: (321) 295-6912‬

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